Kathmandu, October 5
Dr Govinda KC, who has been staging a fresh round of hunger strike at Maharajgunj-based Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital for 10 days demanding reforms in Nepal’s medical sector, is adamant on not giving in to pressure to break the strike despite his failing health, unless and until the government addresses his demands.
Onlinekhabar tried to talk with Dr KC at TUTH about his ninth round of strike, but to no avail. Dr Manoj Lamsal, who is attending to Dr KC, said the latter won’t speak.
An attending doctor said Dr KC will fight all sorts of pressure and continue the strike this time unless and until the government addresses his demands
Dr Lamsal said Dr KC will fight all sorts of pressure and continue the strike this time unless and until the government addresses his demands. In the past, Dr KC used to fast for 14 days and used to break the fast by accepting juice from patients after reaching understanding with government.
During Dashain, media houses will close and there are fears that the protest may lose strength and the government will not feel the pressure to meet Dr KC’s demands. This may endanger Dr KC’s life. Keeping this in mind, Dr KC’s well-wishers say the government should take early initiatives to address Dr KC’s demands.