Colombo, October 17
The Fifth Asia-Pacific Climate Change conference kicked off in the Sri Lankan capital on Monday with over 800 delegates from 50 countries focusing their attention towards evaluating and reviewing issues such as the Paris agreement to limit global temperature rise to under two degrees Celsius in the coming years.
Policymakers, scientists, members of the donor community, youth, and activists from Nepal are also taking part in the event to discuss different aspects of adapting to the changing climate across the Asia-Pacific.
Rachmat Witoelar, the Indonesian President’s special envoy on climate change, who was one of the speakers of the inaugural session said, “Climate change is the biggest threat to mankind and to address this threat, the Paris agreement could be considered as a big milestone.”
RDS Jayathunga, Director at Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Environment reminded the audience of the two objectives of the Paris Agreement: to limit global temperature rise to under two degrees and to facilitate people in their bid to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. He added, “South-south cooperation is must for building resilience among vulnerable communities.”
The annual event, organised by Asia Pacific Adaptation Network, sees scientists and other stakeholders discuss different issues related to global climate change and its ramifications.
The author is an Environment Science student at Tribhuvan University.