
Poor poll performance forces Rabindra Mishra to resign as Bibeksheel Sajha Party chief

File: Rabindra Mishra, the chief of Bibeksheel Sajha Party
File: Rabindra Mishra

Kathmandu, May 25

The poor performance in the recent local elections has forced Rabindra Mishra to resign as the chief of the Bibeksheel Sajha Party.

Mishra says he has decided to resign taking all responsibility for the party’s humiliating performance. He, however, says he will continue working in the party as a general member.

Mishra has also requested the party’s central committee to withdraw action taken against Milan Pandey and other dissident leaders for objecting to his controversial document titled Nation above Notion. He argues the action could be withdrawn as the chairperson proposing the document has already resigned.

Rabindra Mishra, in his statement, has claimed major political parties in the country have also adopted his agenda although the party could not fare well in the recent elections. “The country’s transformation would not be possible unless our agenda is addressed.”

“The central work performance committee and the central committee will make a decision on how to move the party forward after a serious discussion and review,” he says, “I believe the leadership of my friends in the central committee will restore the party’s repute. I will fully support this effort.”

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