Ashok Bajpai is the Managing Director of Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, India. Bajpai was in Nepal recently to sign an MoU with Shangri-la Development Bank, Nepal to provide discounts for the bank’s customers who visit Apollo hospitals in India. Onlinekhabar talked to Bajpai about the hospital’s policy for Nepali patients and how the new arrangement with Shangri-la will benefit Nepali patients.
Is this your first time here?
Yes, this is my first time here in Kathmandu. I have received such a warm welcome from the Shangri-la team. I really fell like I am at home.
Could you tell us about the purpose of your visit? Are you here to sign an agreement with Shangri-la?
That is right. We are very proud to be associated with Shangri-la. It is a matter of great pride that we have launched a joint debit card that will help Nepali patients avail a large number of discounts and receive hassle-free treatment at Apollo Hospitals.
How did the partnership come about? Did Shangri-la approach you for the partnership?
I am not really sure about the details. But we approached Shangri-la because of the excellent reputation it has and the strength and reach it has across the country. We felt it was important to tie-up with Shangri-la also because of its huge customer base.
Could you tell us how many Nepalis visit your hospital each year, and how many of them seek cancer treatment facilities?
We get around 500 Nepali patients a month in total at Apollo Delhi. That makes it around 6,000 patients a year. Around 20 per cent of them are oncology patients. I think it is important to understand that there is currently a tidal wave of non-communicable diseases in the Indian subcontinent–be it Nepal or India or any other country in the region. Cancer, diabetes and cardiac ailments cases are growing at unprecedented rates. Most of it is related to lifestyle, and the environment while others are related to plain genetic dispositions. Apollo has made special efforts to combat non-communicable diseases.
Why do you think so many Nepalis prefer Appollo over other hospitals in India?
We have a relation of trust with Nepal. Second, I think we have good technologies available and that too at affordable prices. Apollo Delhi recently procured a tomotherapy machine which costs around 20 crore Indian rupees. Similarly, we have Novalis machines for radiation oncology and a proton therapy centre in Chennai, which is the only centre of its kind in Asia. It is important that people from this part of the world don’t have to fly to the West and pay 10 times more for the same services. We are proud to bring them to India so that Nepalis can also have access to the best healthcare.
How will the new arrangement with Shangri-la work?
We are offering some advantages to Shangri-la account holders. Our information centre here in Kathmandu will take your appointments. What we now have, thanks to Shangri-la, is a payment gateway. A lot of times you are not allowed to use the maximum limit available on your credit card. But thanks to Shangri-la, a very high limit, which virtually amounts to no limit, the payment process has become easier. We are also offering discounts to Nepali citizens who are account holders of Shangri-la Bank for health checks and bed charges and other diagnostic services.
Getting back to Apollo, are there any other new facilities you are offering to Nepali patients?
The biggest thing is that we have removed all foreigner-related charges for Nepali citizens. The charges Nepalis pay are same as what Indians pay. I think this is an important step towards strengthening the relationship between Apollo and Nepali patients.
Is Apollo planning to open a medical facility in Nepal?
We are open to a good opportunity to partner with existing hospitals to bring the Apollo level of healthcare to Kathmandu. But we do not have concrete plans as of now.
What would be your message to Nepali patients?
Apollo understands the need of Nepali patients and that is why it is taking every effort to make the experience easier and affordable. We will pick you up from the airport when you arrive in New Delhi as our guest and even drop you off at the airport when you are well to go home.