Butwal, October 4
The Rupandehi District Administration Office has issued a prohibitory order in various places of Butwal sub-metropolitan city of the district for four days.
The DAO issued the order, barring a gathering of more than five people in the listed places, to be effective from Sunday to Wednesday. The decision aims at suppressing protests to be carried out by various groups against the provincial government’s proposal of establishing the provincial capital in Bhalubang of Dang.
So far, Butwal has been serving as the temporary capital of the province since the establishment of the federal government.
Owing to an agreement between two central chairpersons of the ruling Nepal Communist Party, the provincial government had tabled the proposal for the new capital in the Provincial Assembly meeting on Friday.
Before the order was issued on Saturday afternoon, around two dozen organisations were planning to stage a protest on Sunday morning. The main opposition party, Nepali Congress, had also called a general strike in the district.