
Seeking holy water in Nepal’s Himalayas

Every year, on the full moon in August, Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims make the difficult trek to Gosaikunda Lake, a high altitude lake in Nepal’s Himalayas

A long exposure morning view of Gosaikunda Lake on the full moon day of August 26, 2018. The Himalayan high altitude lake is situated at the altitude of 4380m from the sea level in Langtang National Park of Rasuwa District of Nepal. The lake has ecological, cultural and religious values. Every year on August full moon during “Janai Purnima Festival”, thousands of Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims flock to Gosaikunda Lake in the quest for the holy water.

For centuries water has been intimately intertwined with culture, and this is strikingly evident in the Himalayas. Himalayan water is considered sacred for its purity, and it sustains the lives of hundreds of millions that live along the banks of the rivers that flow from the mountains.

One of the sources of such water is Gosaikunda Lake in Nepal’s Rasuwa, situated at an altitude of 4,380 metres above sea level. The water from the lake feeds one of the major rivers in the Gandaki river basin, and is considered sacred to both Hindus and Buddhists. According to Hindu lore the god Shiva created Gosaikunda Lake. He thrust his trident into the mountain to draw water to cool his throat after swallowing poison found in the ocean during the war of gods and demons.

The lake is also a famous destination for trekkers in Nepal, and is one of the high altitude Ramsar wetland sites. It is within the Langtang National Park.

Every year on the August full moon during the Janai Purnima Festival, thousands of Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims flock to Gosaikunda Lake in the quest for the holy water. On the day of the full moon, pilgrims take a bath in the lake to purify their body and soul. They also collect the water from the source of Gosaikunda Lake in their water bottles to take back home. The collected holy water is symbolically used in different cultural and religious activities back home throughout the year in Nepal.

It takes two to three days of trekking from Dhunche, the headquarters of Rasuwa district, to Gosaikunda Lake. Pilgrims of all ages trek up the mountain. Although the high-altitude trek is difficult, the religious and cultural value of the holy water gives the pilgrims incentive to tackle the route.

Then they bathe from morning to evening in the freezing cold water, worship the water and meditate in front of the lake.

A Hindu pilgrim rides on a horse through Langtang National Park one day before the August full moon for the Gosaikunda Lake. Although the high-altitude trek is difficult, the religious and cultural value of the holy water of Gosaikunda Lake adds physiological courage to all pilgrims to this high altitude sacred destination.


Hindu pilgrims take rest during the climb up in Langtang National Park one day befoe the August full moon for the Gosaikunda Lake. Although the high-altitude trek is difficult, the religious and cultural value of the holy water of Gosaikunda Lake adds physiological courage to all pilgrims to this high altitude sacred destination.


Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims worship the water of Gosaikunda Lake early in the morning.


A pilgrim takes a holy bath in the lake. 


Shamans worship the water of Gosaikunda Lake in the morning.


A queue of pilgrims at the main source of Gosaikunda Lake to collect the holy water to take back home for religious and cultural purpose.


Pilgrims collect holy water from the main source of Gosaikunda Lake to take back home for religious and cultural purpose.


A Hindu pilgrim worship Gosaikunda Lake from the main source of the lake.


A Shaman trek back home through Langtang National Park on August full moon day after taking holy bath in Gosaikunda Lake.


This story was originally published on The Third Pole. Read the original story.

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