Madhesh Province to boycott SEE

Madhesh Province to boycott SEE

70.60% grade 12 students improve grades in supplementary exams

70.60% grade 12 students improve grades in supplementary exams

Grade 12 exam results published: Here’s the summary

Grade 12 exam results published: Here’s the summary

SEE results are out. Here’s the summary

SEE results are out. Here’s the summary

SEE results to be out by July 22

SEE results to be out by July 22

Age requirement for SEE (grade 10 exams) removed

Age requirement for SEE (grade 10 exams) removed

Grade 12 exam results out

Grade 12 exam results out

Grade 12 exam results likely by Dec 1

Grade 12 exam results likely by Dec 1

Grade 12 exams from September 15 to 24. Find the schedule here

Grade 12 exams from September 15 to 24. Find the schedule here

NEB indecisiveness keeps Nepal’s school students’ lives in peril, and it should end ASAP

NEB indecisiveness keeps Nepal’s school students’ lives in peril, and it should end ASAP

TU students attending exams to get Covid-19 vaccines

TU students attending exams to get Covid-19 vaccines

6 TU students detained after their ‘no vaccine, no exam’ demonstration

6 TU students detained after their ‘no vaccine, no exam’ demonstration

SEE results out through internal evaluation

SEE results out through internal evaluation

Grade 12 exams postponed indefinitely yet again

Grade 12 exams postponed indefinitely yet again

Schedule here: Grade XII exams from August 15 to 25

Schedule here: Grade XII exams from August 15 to 25

Grade XII exams are likely by mid-August

Grade XII exams are likely by mid-August

SEE results, through internal evaluation, likely by July end

SEE results, through internal evaluation, likely by July end

No SEE this year also; schools told to send scores for certification

No SEE this year also; schools told to send scores for certification

Govt likely to let schools evaluate their students for SEE certificates this year also

Govt likely to let schools evaluate their students for SEE certificates this year also

SEE in physical presence unlikely this year also: Education Minister

SEE in physical presence unlikely this year also: Education Minister

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