Pathari (Morang), November 20
Biratnagar sub-metropolis has initiated legal action against people, who have not paid land and property tax for long, by blacklisting them. The sub-metropolis took this move after it emerged that business and industry captains of Biratnagr have not yet paid land and property tax amounting to more than Rs 20 million.
Executive officer of the sub-metropolis, Deepak Koirala, said these people have not bothered to pay taxes, though the sub-metropolis approached them for payment several times.
Koirala said the blacklisted taxpayers will not get any kind of recommendation from the sub-metropolis. He said the land revenue office concerned will disallow sale or any other transaction involving these people’s houses and landed properties.
The defaulters include Murarka Group, Golchha Organisation, Sarda Group and Dugar Group. These tycoons, who have businesses worth billions, have come under fire for not paying taxes, even though they have properties in the core city areas.
The Revenue Section of the sub-metropolis points that Kisan Lal Dugar, who lives in Biratnagar-8, has yet to clear land and properrty taxes amounting to Rs 15 million. He has not paid these taxes for about five years. According to the section, Dugar even refused to receive the office’s letter telling him to pay taxes.
Binod Dugar of Biratnagar-8, too, has not yet paid Rs 10 lax in taxes, whereas Bibek Dugar owes five lakh rupees. Hetaunda Iron, which is under Sarda Group and based in Biratnagar-6, has not paid land and property taxes for seven years. This group also owes the government Rs 10 lakh in taxes.
Shyam Sundar Sarda has not paid taxes for seven years. He owes three lakh rupees to the government.
Pradip Murarka of Biratnagar-9 owes seven lakh rupees, whereas Ashok Murarka owes six lakh rupees.
Krishna Gopal Shrestha of Namaskar Hotel has also not paid land and property tax. He owes 10 lakh rupees to the municipality concerned. According to the office, Shrestha too rejected the office’s letter telling him to clear taxes.
Durgaman Singh Karki of Biratnagar-9, owner of Basundhara Market, has not cleared taxes for four years. The section informed that Karki owes the sub-metropolis six lakh rupees.