
Booking bus tickets early for Dashain likely to be impossible


Kathmandu, September 9

The Department of Transport Management has proposed opening ticket booking from Asoj 1 (September 17) to facilitate movement of people to their hometowns via road for Dashain. But transporters have rejected the proposal, giving rise to suspicions that booking in advance will not start early on this year as well.

Last year, due to the Indian blockade, ticket counters started booking in advance quite late. Unlike last year, ticket counters have not started booking tickets in advance due to a dispute over route permit.

Transporters are demanding that they be allowed to operate buses without taking route permit. 

In the wake of increase in road traffic accidents, the government has started preventing vehicles without route permit from operating.

It has begun issuing temporary route permits from districts concerned in a bid to bring down the number of accidents. But transporters are demanding that they be allowed to operate buses without taking route permit.

The department has called a meting of stakeholders on September 14 for discussions on ticket booking. 

Basanta Adhikari, spokesperson for the department, told Onlinekhabar the department will propose booking in advance from September 17.  We can set the date for advance booking only after talks with transporters. We will try to open booking as early as possible.

Traders say they can’t start ticket booking without resolution of all problems related to route permit. 

On their part, traders say they cannot open ticket booking without resolution of all problems related to route permit.


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