Kathmandu, November 13
A group took out a rally in support of suspended Chief Commissioner of CIAA, Lokman Singh Karki, in Kathmandu on Monday.
The rally comes at a time when discussions on the impeachment motion against Karki are going on in the Parliament.
Participants at the rally in Maitighar were sporting placards with messages asking people to make the campaign against corruption successful and Lokman to take action against the corrupt without fear.
Women and children sporting the national flag were also participating in the rally, which has around 150 participants.
Advocate Balkrishna Neupane led the rally. He was with RPP-Nepal once and now is running an organisation named Purano Shakti Nepal (Old Force Nepal).
Neupane has been speaking in support of suspended CIAA Chief Karki.
Talking to Onlinekhabar, Neupane said political leaders had brought forth the motion against Karki fearing CIAA action against themselves. Neupane demanded that the motion be scrapped.