Kathmandu, December 11
Deputy Prime Minister Ishwar Pokharel has consulted his cabinet colleagues about the government plan to import Covid-19 vaccines as soon as they are available in the international market.
Pokharel, who also leads the government’s Covid-19 Crisis Management Centre, met Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa, Finance Minister Bishnu Paudel, Foreign Affairs Minister Pradeep Kumar Gyawali, General Administration Minister Hridayesh Tripathi, Health Minister Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal, Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Yogesh Bhattarai and Chief Secretary Shanker Das Bairagi on Friday afternoon.
Secretaries of the concerned ministries were also present.
Meanwhile, the meeting also decided to appoint doctors and health workers on the contract basis to mobilise them at health desks at major border points.
It also decided to publicise information about the government’s Covid-19 response.