
Gearing up for 18th Chitwan Elephant and Tourism Festival


Kathmandu, November 27

The 18th Chitwan Elephant and Tourism Festival is scheduled for December 26 to 30. Organised every year by the Regional Hotel Association Chitwan and United Hatti Operation Cooperatives Society Ltd and Restaurant and Bar Association of Nepal the festival will be held in Sauraha. President of Chitwan Regional Hotel Association, Ganga Giri, said that the festival this year will be different and grander than in the past.

The arrival of tourists increases by 25 to 30 per cent every year due to the festival, he claimed. A total of 80 elephants both private and government-owned will participate in various activities under the festival. The festival is expected to cost around Rs 13.5 million.

Senior Director of Nepal Tourism Board, Hikmatsingh Ayer emphasised that the elephant festival is important for tourism promotion and the NTB and other stakeholders should work together to market it. The festival has been held annually since 2055 BS.

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