Chitwan, October 18
The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has installed a radio collar on Govinde, a male wild elephant notorious for its aggressive behaviour, following its fatal attack on a park employee. The radio collar, a tracking device that allows for remote monitoring of the animal’s movements, was fitted after taming the elephant in the Khorsor area.
According to CNP’s information officer, Ganesh Prasad Tiwari, the decision to install the collar and trim Govinde’s tusks was made to minimize future risks. Govinde had killed a park employee on October 3, prompting the authorities to take these precautionary measures. “The tracking device was installed and the tusks were shortened after the elephant began threatening the safety of park staff,” Tiwari explained.
Govinde is one of several male elephants known for causing disturbances within CNP. Other aggressive male elephants include Dhurbe and Makuna. These solitary males often become more violent during “musth,” a period of heightened sexual drive that increases their aggressiveness, the park officials noted.