Kathmandu, June 12
The government of Nepal has formed an experts’ team to collect evidence to prove that the disputed region of Kalapani belongs to Nepal, not India, historically.
A recent cabinet meeting formed the nine-member team, according to the government spokesperson, Finance Minister Yuba Raj Khatiwada.
Conflict expert Bishnu Raj Uprety heads the team whereas the members include Surya Prasad Subedi, Ramesh Dhungel, Bipin Adhikari, Jagat Bhusal, Toya Nath Baral, Himalaya Thapa, Apsara Chapagain, and Ram Prasad Subedi.
Meanwhile, some stakeholders have criticised the government decision citing it has already published a new political map of the country incorporating the disputed region claiming the country had enough historical evidence to assert its ownership over the disputed land.
After India inaugurated a link road to Manasarovar via the disputed region, Nepal had issued the new map. Currently, the government is waiting for India’s response to a diplomatic solution to the decades-old problem.