The debate between technology and humanity has persisted since the advent of modern technologies such as computers, mobile devices, the internet, and social media, all of which have dramatically transformed human life. However, as experts began to suspect the potentially detrimental impacts of technology, humanity found itself caught in the midst of this ongoing discussion.
This debate, which originated in the nineteenth century, gained momentum with the increasingly pervasive influence of technology.
A technological Compton effect began to manifest in various aspects of life around the world. The modest age of technology was eclipsed by its integration into human life, impacting not only technologically savvy activities but also permeating most intellectual faculties of human beings.
This age is the age of artificial intelligence and virtual reality. It has encroached on every aspect of human life. Consequently, human actions and reactions appeared to be diminishing, leading to a reduction in authentic and empathetic relationships, which were gradually supplanted by robotic and mechanical interactions. As a result, professional pursuits, individuality, personal goals, and economic gain took precedence for many individuals, all under the influence of artificial intelligence.
Cause and effect

It seems that a large number of people are seduced by vicarious joy. That is, people prefer robots that they can play with, hug, and have fun with pet animals rather than human beings. I recently came across a story about a woman who had two individuals responsible for taking care of her 95-year-old ageing mother. Unfortunately, despite the assistance, it did not seem to improve the elderly lady’s situation.
The daughter, Constance Gemson, decided to purchase a robot for her mother. Surprisingly, the elderly lady found joy in the company of the robot, as she could hug, play, and genuinely enjoy her time with it. Furthermore, the robot provided companionship while preserving her dignity and ensuring her well-being. It’s a compelling narrative that could indeed make for an intriguing film. Yet, it serves as a stark reminder of the state of our universe, where we pride ourselves on being more civilised and technologically advanced than our predecessors.
The rise of artificial intelligence, without a doubt, has impacted on soft skills of people. This has cost humans lively actions and interactions. Now, people excessively rely on simple calculation and memory because we tend to get subdued ourselves by the glaring power of artificial intelligence.
Besides, we are posing willful ignorance like against the propensity of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, as many experts tend to believe, is not a long-term solution but a dreadful Frankenstein saga. The world first witnessed the concept of artificial intelligence envisioned by Mary Shelley in her fiction. Then many other writers came up with their ideas of artificial intelligence. H G Wells also tried to explore some aspects of artificial intelligence in his fiction.
Some shocking outcomes

Another rather startling observation follows: “I often imagine a future in which sex does not exist,” writes Sayaka Murata, the renowned Japanese novelist, in her New York Times article. She hints that modern society may be becoming increasingly intolerant and even indifferent to sexual experiences, attributing this shift to growing conflicts and diminishing emotional and psychological vitality.
Artificial intelligence is, thus, gripping every part of society. Strangely enough, it also impacts the human way of emotions, conditions of being happy, and personal satisfaction. The parameter of personal happiness, in this sense, is deemed to be something like any material commodity. That is, people seem to be growing less happy but more complex.
Over some years, the conflicts between humanity and technology seem to be on the rise, specifically when technology grew from the human kitchen to the spacecraft. This technological far-reaching encroachment on human lives, of course, has narrowed the expansion of humanity in the world. But some pundits raise the question of whether humanity has gone to wane!
It is commonly believed that humanity is dwindling in this world when technology is taking pace constantly. Technology has rampantly thrived in each field whether it is the case of human consumption, recreation, and travelling, or technological use of appliances in the daily activities of life.
Today, the family members order food in the evening when they think of not cooking. When they want to travel, they order a van within minutes and go out. And when they need clothes or any other items of use, they can order and get the things delivered to their homes.
Of course, technology has made a breakthrough; it has impacted our ways of living, thinking, and behaving. Our activities are becoming more advanced and qualitative than in the past. We have been more accurate in our performances. Besides; social media and technology have broken the concept of time and space.
Even the geography has been shrunk– as one can have breakfast in New York, have dinner with his friends in London, and fly in the evening for a business meeting in Australia. Because of this connectivity of air flight, today the world has been turned into a global village.
Media and technology are vastly bridging the gaps in the world. They shape our opinions and ideas and can easily disseminate them to a huge number of audiences around the globe. Precisely but, technology is thriving and humanitarian values are on the wane.
In the universities, the humanities courses are no more appealing. Students taking humanity has nothing to do with modern progress. Several humanities courses like history, culture, fine arts, and literature are at stake.
Take, for example, the humanity courses in Nepal, which are dwindling and only a few courses are left. It is a disheartening situation when the number of students in humanity colleges has become so limited, especially considering that they used to have an overwhelming and unmanageable amount of students in the past.

Technology, like any other item of society, has a consumerism pattern. To put it poetically, life is not an endless cauldron of desires. In many cases, exercising restraint and embracing a modest way of life are not seen as trendy pursuits. Instead, they are often regarded as essential prerequisites for a content and comfortable life.
Does it mean that humanity is irrelevant in the modern time? Should it be revived with innovative approaches? There are many questions to raise. Many university professors and humanitarians are worried about this declining humanitarian sense in the world.
It is commonly said that humanity can connect and technology can break us. Technology has something to do with external values of life, it shows what things are like; how to use these technologies for better use, and so on.
However, humanity tries to see the internal matters of life like love, human feeling, art, emotion, and human sensibilities. The purpose of humanity is to learn about human faculties that can connect us.
Without a doubt, the modern world is indulging in the swaying technological advancement on one hand, and on the other, the cost of humanity is losing its grip. Today, we talk about peace, stability, order, and harmony which are the preconditions for civilizations and human order. However, these values can only exist when we maintain humanitarian values. To be sure, the growth of technology and its heyday must come to an end. Or the technology must be ensured for humanitarian use.