
Lamjung road accident kills 3

An SUV falls of the road in Bhusme, Marsyangdi-8 of the Lamjung district, on Thursday, December 9, 2021.
An SUV falls of the road in Bhusme, Marsyangdi-8 of the Lamjung district, on Thursday, December 9, 2021.

Pokhara, December 9

Three persons died whereas nine others sustained injuries in a road accident in the Lamjung district of western Nepal on Thursday.

An SUV (6317), carrying teachers and students of the Ganesh Secondary School in the area, had fallen off the road in Bhusme, Marsyangdi rural municipality-8 of the district, informs Chief District Officer Sushil Baidya.

“The teachers and students were travelling on three vehicles to Peace Hill on an educational excursion,” CDO Baidya says, “Of them, one crashed.”

The victims are yet to be identified, but of them, one is a teacher, one is a student and the last one is a local, it has been learned.

Of nine injured, two are more critical and they have been sent to Chitwan for further treatment whereas seven others are undergoing treatment at the Lamjung District Hospital.

Details are awaited. Further investigation is underway.

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