Chitwan, September 11
Landslides at various points of Narayangadh-Muglin road in Chitwan district has obstructed the road connecting Kathmandu and Pokhara to the East-West Highway since last night.
Police have suggested that motorists and passengers use alternative routes as it will take some more hours to clear the landslide debris.
Chief of the District Traffic Police Office Bed Prasad Gautam says a section of hill has fallen down in Charkilo, therefore resuming the traffic immediately is very difficult.
In addition, the continuous rainfall has blocked personnel from working on the street. Gautam says they will resume work afster the rainfall stops. At first, the debris at places other than Charkilo will be removed.
Hundreds of vehicles have stuck halfway due to the obstruction. Hard hit by the landslides are women, who were heading to houses of their parents for Teej celebration.