Though online learning/distance learning/e-learning is not a new practice in the world, it has become popular in Nepal recently thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Due to the proliferation of information technology, there are many elite educational institutions offering online classes and online degrees worldwide. However, the scenario was quite different in Nepal. Here, every institution has been following the traditional learning process, i.e. physical classes, until the pandemic hit the world.
As the number of coronavirus infection cases is still surging day by day in Nepal, it is next to impossible for schools, colleges and universities to conduct their regular physical classes. The situation will last as long as a reliable remedy against the disease is discovered. That is why educational institutions have been opting for online classes as a solution to this problem. Also, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has launched an e-learning portal for classes 1 to 10 students in schools.
As of now, almost every school has been taking virtual classes using various platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, and others. However, many parents, teachers, as well as students, might not have adapted this new-normal as this is a completely new concept and practice in the Nepali educational system.
Before the pandemic, the teaching-learning process was more of a teacher-student affair. However, now, parents equally have to get involved and be more responsible during online classes conducted by schools as the children attend the classes from within their house.
Therefore, here, we are sharing with you, the parents, in particular, some of the things that you should consider to facilitate your children’s online classes.
Learn the new technology and teach your children on your own
Firstly, to get started with online classes, parents should be aware of the technical aspects of online learning and teach their children accordingly. For example, if the virtual class is being conducted on Zoom, the parents should have knowledge on how to use the app, how to join a meeting (online classes) with/without video and audio and many more. Also, they should make their children used to this new-normal by teaching them all of these and reinforcing that online classes are as important and effective as learning face to face.
Communicate with teachers and schools’ personnel
To get most out of online learning for their children, the parents must communicate with teachers on a regular basis about virtual class schedules, syllabi, and their children’s progress and class performance.
Manage the family routine as per the routine of children’s classes
Just like how parents used to manage their house and work routine as per the school routine of their children during normal days, they should also make and move according to the routine of online classes of their children now. For instance, if the virtual class of your children is scheduled for 10:00 am, make sure your lunchtime and online class time do not clash.
Manage all equipment required and set up a study space for your children’s online class
Nowadays, children are learning from home only. Hence, it is very significant to provide them with a learning-friendly environment and prerequisites just like in schools. For this, the parents should set up a study space within their home where their children are unlikely to be disturbed, should manage all the required technologies and equipment like a computer, the internet connection and other.
Help your children with their syllabi
Now, the parents should fulfil the role of both parents and teachers. They should review or discuss their children’s course syllabi with them and explain to them what they are supposed to learn and do in the online classes. Also, it is better to help their children in establishing and maintaining a regular working routine in their online classes. Prior to this pandemic, the students’ class activities and progress used to be majorly monitored by their teachers. However, now, this task of teachers is transferred to the parents only.