
Half-day protest in Rolpa against conspiracy to split Province 5

A file photo shows people of Rolpa staging a protest against the plot to split Province 5.

Rolpa, November 28

People of Rolpa district shut the district for half-day on Monday against the plot to split Province 5 through Constitution amendment.

The strike was part of Rolpali people’s phasewise movement against the conspiracy to split the province.

Earlier, young students and women staged protests and enforced an hourlong transport strike. They handed over a memorandum to Prime Minister Prachanda through Rolpa’s chief district officer, protesting the bid to split the province.

Long and short-route vehicles have remained off the road in Rolpa. Markets, hotels, schools and industries downed shutters.

Mahesh Neupane, member-secretary of Province 5 Concern Committee, said they have launched a weeklong movement against the plot to split Province 5. The committee said it will go for a more strident movement if authorities use force instead of listening to the people’s demands.

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