Kathmandu, December 22.
The Council of Ministers, in its meeting on Thursday, approved the ‘Guidelines for the use of social media by government offices, 2023,’ mandating government entities to use social media platforms for disseminating information regarding their activities and upcoming initiatives.
As per the guidelines, user accounts created for this purpose must include details such as name, address, contact number, and email in both Nepali and English languages, ensuring accessibility to the general public.
For user accounts associated with the Prime Minister, Minister, or the head of relevant agencies, the inclusion of an official photograph is permitted. The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology will play a role in verifying the authenticity of these accounts.
The guidelines state the government office’s social media accounts must maintain regular updates, incorporating progress reports. Furthermore, it also specifies that in response to received complaints, messages, or information, informed and timely replies should be provided following a thorough study and analysis.
In instances where users convey abusive language, rude or obscene content, or negative messages that disrupt social harmony, the guidelines allow for the inclusion of such individuals in a block list. This measure aims to ensure a conducive and respectful online environment within the user accounts managed by government offices.
The guidelines also specify the government offices authorised to create accounts on various social networks, including TikTok. Despite the government’s earlier decision to ban TikTok due to concerns about disrupting social harmony, the guidelines still mandate government offices to open accounts on TikTok.