
Preliminary weight of smuggled gold is 60.789 kg

smuggled gold melted
The smuggled gold has been melted and crafted into bricks. It will be measured again after all of it is melted. Photo: Aryan Dhimal

Kathmandu, August 15

The actual weight of the gold confiscated by the Department of Revenue Investigation from the Tribhuvan International Airport premises on July 19 is 60.789 kgs, according to the Nepal Rastra Bank.

Chief of Mint Division at Nepal Rastra Bank Thaneshwor Acharya said it was the preliminary weight of the gold and that the actual weight would be confirmed after melting the gold.

The gold is being melted and crafted into bricks on Tuesday after which the exact weight of it will be determined. The value of the gold will also be determined after all the gold is melted.

The department had seized over 100 kilogrammes of brake shoes with gold attached to them outside the airport on July 19.

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