Tamghas, December 4
The continuing protest against the government proposal to remove Hilly districts from Province 5 has hit life hard in Gulmi district.
Bandh enforcers are not even allowing motorcycles to ply.
Shobhakhar Giri, joint cordinator of ANNFSU (Gulmi), said they have taken nine bikes under control in district headquarters Tamghas for defying the shutdown.
The joint struggle committee, which is enforcing the strike, is taking out a torch rally in Tamghas. As the strike entered fifth day, FNCCI, political parties, student unions and locals staged one-hour sit-in at Gulmi district administration office and Gulmi district development committee. Afterwards, protesters staged a demonstration in the main bazaar.
The strike has especially affected people living in Tamghas and rural areas. Factories and bazaars have shut, while means of public transport are not plying. The enforcers are letting examinations continue, though.