
Morang local unit chief stabbed at office over tax dispute

File: Kerabari rural municipality chief Rohit Karki

Biratnagar, July 17

The chairman of Kerabari rural municipality in the Morang district of Province 1 has been stabbed at his own office over a tax dispute.

Rohit Karki has sustained an injury on his head in the attack, according to DSP Man Bahadur Rai of the District Police Office. Bhawan Thakuri, 32, a resident of Kerabari-10, has been arrested for his alleged involvement in the attack.

Thakuri had received a contract from the local government to collect a tax for the recently concluded fiscal year 2019/20. As the contract expired, the government itself began collecting the tax, infuriating Thakuri.

It has been learned that Thakuri had snatched away a khukuri from the office security guard to attack Karki.  Police also confiscated an additional knife from his possession.

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