With all of you staying indoors and practising distance due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it can be a great time to invest yourself in something creative and fun instead of just sitting at home and doing nothing. So, instead of just scrolling social media pages and watching series or movies, why don’t you practise and enhance your photography skills within your home?
Photography is a skill that needs constant practice and experimentation, so constantly working on it can lead to a better result. Though you have limited space and subjects, this can be a great time for you to be efficient and creative. Today, we are providing you with some photography ideas and tips that you can practise at your home during this lockdown imposed in most districts of Nepal.
1. Know your gear

First thing first, if you are willing to enhance your photography skills, you should be familiar with the gear you are using. Most of the bad photos you click can mainly be due to your unfamiliarity with your gear. Understanding how your camera works helps you realise what exactly your camera is capable of. So, if you want to start shooting from auto to manual mode, you better start learning about your camera.
2. Get better composition

Most subjects you find at home can be stationary, but you can practise composition with almost anything you have at your home. Practising composition on non-stationary subjects can help you sharpen your skill. You can make anyone your subject: your parents, siblings, pets and almost anything that moves. Since they will be unpredictable and moving around, practising on those subjects make you constantly readjust for proper composition. With enough practice, you have better ideas for your composition. With stationary objects, you can try different angles and positions.
3. Shoot macro

The macro world is always fascinating. There are probably tons of small objects lying around your house right now. Why don’t you collect them and arrange a cool scenario to photograph? This can help you in conceptual photography as well. If you have a macro lens, there are tons of options for you to practise and enhance your macro photography skills.
Even if you do not have one, you always have an option to reverse your lens and capture macro shots. For lighting your subject, you can use lamps and other lights in your house. If you do not have enough subjects inside your home, you can always find some bugs and insects around your house or even flowers and make them your subjects.
4. Try waterdrop photography

Waterdrop photography is always fascinating and great to look at. Creating your own waterdrop lab is not expensive as well; you need a container, medicine dropper, a tripod, a macro lens and a good natural or camera flashlight to get started with. In this technique, you have to use shallow depth of field, which allows you to enter more light as well as faster shutter speed to capture a perfect waterdrop photograph.
5. Focus on natural light portrait photography

A suitable light source is always required when you are shooting a portrait. Since you cannot go outside for the shoot, you are supposed to be efficient and find the best spots indoors for the shoot. Try to find a place where the light is suitable, such as the windows. Shooting in such conditions helps you make the best use of available resources and your place.
6. Try food photography

Food photography can be very interesting. A couple of studio lights and reflectors can be very handy for food photography. But, if you do not have them, you still can manage a decent shot from natural lighting as well. Basic ingredients, a space to shoot in, a camera and a tripod are all you need for this shoot.
Since lighting is very important, you might want to shoot your photos where the light is accessible. Experimenting with different ingredients as well as different elements can help you know more about the right combination for perfect food photography. You can try different methods for food photography; you can work on the background, reflection, splash and many more. The more you practise, the more ideas you can gather.
7. Practise lowlight photography

Your house can always be a great option for lowlight photography. With low lights, you might have to work more on your camera settings. All those extra work can be very beneficial for you as you will master the manipulation in aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Mastering them not only helps you take pictures in low lights but also enables you to take photographs across all levels of lighting.
8. Try different perspectives

When you are shooting inside your home, everything is limited: space, subjects, and lightings. But, your perspective should not be limited.
Usually, photographs are taken with the subject in front, near or far, but usually from front. But, now, you can completely take photos from a different perspective. Try shooting from up high or go to the ground and shoot from there. You can find your own way to deliver your story through your photographs. Do not hesitate to experiment.