
Used to spitting, throwing waste from public vehicles? Beware, you may land in prison


Kathmandu, December 15

If you litter the streets or spit in public places, you better stop that habit right now for a tough law against haphazard waste disposal is heading your way.

From December 16, there’s every chance that litterbugs may have to pay Rs 500 for an instance of littering, including throwing waste from the window of public vehicles. That’s not the end of punishment, though. You may even end up in jail for littering.

About two weeks ago, the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development and National Transporters’ Federation Nepal reached an understanding to prohibit waste disposal from the windows of public vehicles. They have agreed on putting dustbins in public vehicles.

This rule will take effect from December 16.

Bishwa Mani Gyawali, executive director, Solid Waste Management Technical Support Centre, noted that haphazard disposal of waste from public vehicles at public places, including roads, has affected the environment. Keeping this in mind, we are prohibiting waste throwing from such vehicles, he said.

As per new arrangements, every public vehicle should have polythene bags of 30+ micron or dustbins for waste disposal. Before starting the journey, the driver must brief passengers on the use of dustbin.

Rule violators will have to pay Rs 500-5,000 as fine and spend up to three months behind bars as per Waste Management Act, 2068. As per the Act, those, who dispose hazardous chemicals like Mercury, have to pay up to one lakh rupees as fine.

The centre has directed local bodies to publish the names of those littering public places, including roads, while riding public vehicles. These bodies will implement the rule. According to Gyawali, people found spitting from vehicles will face legal action and fine of Rs 500.

From 7.30 am till 8 am on Friday, authorities will conduct awareness programmes at Ratnapark, New Buspark in Gongabu and Lagankhel Buspark to inform the public about the rule. During the campaign, they will distribute dustbins for free.

The plan is to raise awareness programmes on waste disposal in public vehicles throughout Poush (mid-December to mid-January).


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