Kathmandu, August 26
Deputy Prime Minister Ishwar Pokharel has commented that none of his relatives has misused their relationships with him to get unfair advantages.
Pokharel’s clarification comes at a time when mainstream media and social media users have been protesting the appointment of his co-father-in-law Upendra Kumar Koirala as the chairman of the board of directors of the government-own Rastriya Banijya Bank. The critics have highlighted Koirala’s controversial past, considering him an inappropriate choice, and argued that he got the position just because he is a relative of Pokharel.
But, the leader says, “There is not any truth that people in my family or my relation misused their links with me or my position, violating existing legal provisions, to get any positions with state benefits. Everything has happened legitimately, with transparency, through institutional decision-making procedures.”
The minister says he is ready to face action if his wrongdoing is proved.